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Contracts Management


As well as taking into account daily ad-hoc sales orders when accounting for stock, it is essential to cover contract stock.  This may concern some of your valued customers and mistakes, as well as being embarrassed, are often very costly; possibly resulting in lost business and damaged customer relations.

VISION offers the facility to manage contracts stock with the minimum of effort.  Following acceptance of a quotation, stock may be received in special bin locations for the customer and scheduled on the computer to allow automatic back order production as the date required is achieved.

The stock requirements are of course included in the stock shortage report together with a detailed analysis for each product of the exact contract requirements.  Stock may be transferred from contract stock to standard stock and vice-versa if stock requirements demand.




Key Features include:

023    Automatic link to quotations
023    Automatic link to special prices
023    Separate bin locations
023    Scheduling of stock by date
023    Automatic production of sales orders according to date scheduled
023    Stock receipts directly into contract or main stock
023    Stock movements between contract and main stock


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