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Purchase Order Processing

The optimisation of purchasing power through the control of expenditure is a commercial necessity.  Buying goods or services is a complex business.  As competitors fight for market share with ever changing deals, discounts and terms, your suppliers will change swiftly and frequently.

Vision is the perfect tool for optimising and controlling your purchasing operation.   Details of all your purchase orders are maintained, from which detailed status reports and enquiry's can be produced.  Any purchase order can be called onto the screen instantly or all orders for a particular supplier or particular product.

Key Features include:

023   Stock shortage reports
023   Optional automatic stock relevelling
023   Special/non stocked items allowed
023   Letters to suppliers for overdue deliveries
023   Automatic price updates from stock receipts
023   Automatic link to quotations if cost price increased
023   Optional link to purchase invoice input for matching of goods
  received notes


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