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Management Information


With VISION, a wealth of comprehensive report and detailed enquiries are available at your fingertips as parts of the dedicated management information module.




Key Features include:

023   Customer Turnover
023   Customer/Product Group Sales Analysis
023   Representatives'  Sales Analysis
023   Sales reports by customer classification
023   80/20 Sales Plan
023   Product Group Turnover Analysis
023   Product Sales Analysis by Stock Item
023   Overdue Account Control
023   Rep's Special Terms Report (for reps)
023   Daily Management Report
023   Daily Management Analysis of Overridden Prices/Discounts 
023   Outstanding Sales Orders
023   Outstanding Purchase Orders 
023   Stocktake Variance Reports
023   General Quote Reports
023   Cash Sales Summary
023   Price Lists
023   Stock Shortage Reports (purchase order recommendations)
023   Special Aged Debt


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